Optim line search

Optim line search


This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook: optim_linesearch.ipynb

This example shows how to use LineSearches with Optim. We solve the Rosenbrock problem with two different line search algorithms.

First, run Newton with the default line search algorithm:

using Optim, LineSearches
import OptimTestProblems.MultivariateProblems
UP = MultivariateProblems.UnconstrainedProblems
prob = UP.examples["Rosenbrock"]

algo_hz = Newton(linesearch = HagerZhang())
res_hz = Optim.optimize(prob.f, prob.g!, prob.h!, prob.initial_x, method=algo_hz)
 * Status: success

 * Candidate solution
    Minimizer: [1.00e+00, 1.00e+00]
    Minimum:   1.109336e-29

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     Newton's Method
    Initial Point: [-1.20e+00, 1.00e+00]

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 1.13e-08 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 1.13e-08 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 7.05e-16 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 6.35e+13 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 6.66e-15 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   0  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    23
    f(x) calls:    71
    ∇f(x) calls:   71
    ∇²f(x) calls:  23

Now we can try Newton with the cubic backtracking line search, which reduced the number of objective and gradient calls.

algo_bt3 = Newton(linesearch = BackTracking(order=3))
res_bt3 = Optim.optimize(prob.f, prob.g!, prob.h!, prob.initial_x, method=algo_bt3)
 * Status: success

 * Candidate solution
    Minimizer: [1.00e+00, 1.00e+00]
    Minimum:   1.232595e-30

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     Newton's Method
    Initial Point: [-1.20e+00, 1.00e+00]

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 1.76e-09 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 1.76e-09 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 1.13e-17 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 9.14e+12 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 4.44e-14 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   0  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    25
    f(x) calls:    34
    ∇f(x) calls:   26
    ∇²f(x) calls:  25

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