Solving non-linear systems of equations

Non-linear systems of equations arise in many different applications. As for optimization, different situations will call for different inputs and optimizations: scalar, static, mutating, iterative solvers, etc. Below, we will cover some important algorithms and special cases.

Scalar solving with 1st order derivatives

Assume that you have a residual system that you want to solve. This means that if your original system to solve is is F(x) = K for some real number K, you have made sure to provide a residual function G(x) = F(x) - K that we can solve for G(x) = 0 instead. Then, you can use Newton's method for root finding as follows:

function F(x)

function FJ(Jx, x)
    x^2, 2x

prob_obj = NLSolvers.ScalarObjective(

prob = NEqProblem(prob_obj; inplace = false)

x0 = 0.3
res = solve(prob, x0, LineSearch(Newton(), Backtracking()))

with output

julia> res = solve(prob, x0, LineSearch(Newton(), Backtracking()))
Results of solving non-linear equations

* Algorithm:
  Newton's method with default linsolve with backtracking (no interp)

* Candidate solution:
  Final residual 2-norm:      5.36e-09
  Final residual Inf-norm:    5.36e-09

  Initial residual 2-norm:    9.00e-02
  Initial residual Inf-norm:  9.00e-02

* Stopping criteria
  |F(x')|               = 5.36e-09 <= 1.00e-08 (true)

* Work counters
  Seconds run:   1.41e-05
  Iterations:    12

The output reports initial and final residual norms. The convergence check is also reported, and some work counters report the time spent and the number of iterations.

Multivariate non-linear equation solving

Multivariate non-linear equation solving requires writing a VectorObjective instead of a ScalarObjective as above. The VectorObjective is

using NLSolvers, ForwardDiff
function theta(x)
    if x[1] > 0
        return atan(x[2] / x[1]) / (2.0 * pi)
        return (pi + atan(x[2] / x[1])) / (2.0 * pi)

function F_powell!(Fx, x)
    if (x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 == 0)
        dtdx1 = 0
        dtdx2 = 0
        dtdx1 = -x[2] / (2 * pi * (x[1]^2 + x[2]^2))
        dtdx2 = x[1] / (2 * pi * (x[1]^2 + x[2]^2))
    Fx[1] =
        -2000.0 * (x[3] - 10.0 * theta(x)) * dtdx1 +
        200.0 * (sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2) - 1) * x[1] / sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)
    Fx[2] =
        -2000.0 * (x[3] - 10.0 * theta(x)) * dtdx2 +
        200.0 * (sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2) - 1) * x[2] / sqrt(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)
    Fx[3] = 200.0 * (x[3] - 10.0 * theta(x)) + 2.0 * x[3]

function F_jacobian_powell!(Fx, Jx, x)
    ForwardDiff.jacobian!(Jx, F_powell!, Fx, x)
    Fx, Jx

prob_obj = VectorObjective(F=F_powell!, FJ=F_jacobian_powell!)
prob = NEqProblem(prob_obj)

x0 = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
res = solve(prob, copy(x0), LineSearch(Newton(), Backtracking()))

with result

julia> res = solve(prob, copy(x0), LineSearch(Newton(), Backtracking()))
Results of solving non-linear equations

* Algorithm:
  Newton's method with default linsolve with backtracking (no interp)

* Candidate solution:
  Final residual 2-norm:      8.57e-16
  Final residual Inf-norm:    6.24e-16

  Initial residual 2-norm:    1.88e+03
  Initial residual Inf-norm:  1.59e+03

* Stopping criteria
  |F(x')|               = 6.24e-16 <= 1.00e-08 (true)

* Work counters
  Seconds run:   2.10e-04
  Iterations:    33

We again see initial and final residual norms. This time the 2- and Inf-norm are different because there is more than one element in the state to be optimized over. The final 2-norm also satisfies the required threshold, and the run-time and number of iterations are reported.