Configurable options

There are several options that simply take on some default values if the user doesn't supply anything else than a function (and gradient) and a starting point.

Solver options

There quite a few different solvers available in Optim, and they are all listed below. Notice that the constructors are written without input here, but they generally take keywords to tweak the way they work. See the pages describing each solver for more detail.

Requires only a function handle:

  • NelderMead()
  • SimulatedAnnealing()

Requires a function and gradient (will be approximated if omitted):

  • BFGS()
  • LBFGS()
  • ConjugateGradient()
  • GradientDescent()
  • MomentumGradientDescent()
  • AcceleratedGradientDescent()

Requires a function, a gradient, and a Hessian (cannot be omitted):

  • Newton()
  • NewtonTrustRegion()

Box constrained minimization:

  • Fminbox()

Special methods for bounded univariate optimization:

  • Brent()
  • GoldenSection()

General Options

In addition to the solver, you can alter the behavior of the Optim package by using the following keywords:

  • x_tol: Absolute tolerance in changes of the input vector x, in infinity norm. Defaults to 0.0.
  • f_tol: Relative tolerance in changes of the objective value. Defaults to 0.0.
  • g_tol: Absolute tolerance in the gradient, in infinity norm. Defaults to 1e-8. For gradient free methods, this will control the main convergence tolerance, which is solver specific.
  • f_calls_limit: A soft upper limit on the number of objective calls. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  • g_calls_limit: A soft upper limit on the number of gradient calls. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  • h_calls_limit: A soft upper limit on the number of Hessian calls. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  • allow_f_increases: Allow steps that increase the objective value. Defaults to false. Note that, when setting this to true, the last iterate will be returned as the minimizer even if the objective increased.
  • iterations: How many iterations will run before the algorithm gives up? Defaults to 1_000.
  • store_trace: Should a trace of the optimization algorithm's state be stored? Defaults to false.
  • show_trace: Should a trace of the optimization algorithm's state be shown on stdout? Defaults to false.
  • extended_trace: Save additional information. Solver dependent. Defaults to false.
  • show_warnings: Should warnings due to NaNs or Inf be shown? Defaults to true.
  • trace_simplex: Include the full simplex in the trace for NelderMead. Defaults to false.
  • show_every: Trace output is printed every show_everyth iteration.
  • callback: A function to be called during tracing. A return value of true stops the optimize call. The callback function is called every show_everyth iteration. If store_trace is false, the argument to the callback is of the type OptimizationState, describing the state of the current iteration. If store_trace is true, the argument is a list of all the states from the first iteration to the current.
  • time_limit: A soft upper limit on the total run time. Defaults to NaN (unlimited).

Box constrained optimization has additional keywords to alter the behavior of the outer solver:

  • outer_x_tol: Absolute tolerance in changes of the input vector x, in infinity norm. Defaults to 0.0.
  • outer_f_tol: Relative tolerance in changes of the objective value. Defaults to 0.0.
  • outer_g_tol: Absolute tolerance in the gradient, in infinity norm. Defaults to 1e-8. For gradient free methods, this will control the main convergence tolerance, which is solver specific.
  • allow_outer_f_increases: Allow steps that increase the objective value. Defaults to false. Note that, when setting this to true, the last iterate will be returned as the minimizer even if the objective increased.
  • outer_iterations: How many iterations will run before the algorithm gives up? Defaults to 1_000.

If you specify outer_iterations = 10 and iterations = 100, the outer algorithm will run for 10 iterations, and for each outer iteration the inner algorithm will run for 100 iterations.

We currently recommend the statically dispatched interface by using the Optim.Options constructor:

res = optimize(f, g!,
               [0.0, 0.0],
               Optim.Options(g_tol = 1e-12,
                             iterations = 10,
                             store_trace = true,
                             show_trace = false,
                             show_warnings = true))

Another interface is also available, based directly on keywords:

res = optimize(f, g!,
               [0.0, 0.0],
               method = GradientDescent(),
               g_tol = 1e-12,
               iterations = 10,
               store_trace = true,
               show_trace = false,
               show_warnings = true)

Notice the need to specify the method using a keyword if this syntax is used. This approach might be deprecated in the future, and as a result we recommend writing code that has to maintained using the Optim.Options approach.